Cloud Training at New Horizons

Cloud training gives both IT professionals and organizations a competitive advantage. Get hands-on cloud training from New Horizons Dubai to jumpstart your career or amplify your team’s capabilities.

About Cloud Technologies

It's important to consider how cloud computing is changing the face of corporate IT, and how it's changing the workplace for the IT professional. Why will companies want to shift to Cloud computing technologies?

  • Companies no longer need to purchase, store and maintain expensive network equipment, reducing the resources (time and money) involved in maintaining, updating and repairing their own server hardware and software. Cloud providers deliver the software via the internet, ensuring that the software comes to you installed with the latest patches and security installed every time you connect to the cloud.
  • Companies become more agile because they are able to grow or shrink computing resources as demand increases or decreases, paying only for the resources they actually use. This prevents companies from having to pay more to build bigger servers in order to handle the occasional end of month demand on their servers or the seasonal spikes in demand for their products.
  • Remote employees can easily access necessary applications via the Internet from any location, using their mobile and handheld computing devices increasing both their efficiency and the ability to collaborate from their desk and on the go.
  • With custom applications, companies can turn their services into products that customers can access via the Internet. Companies can sell the application or functionality via the cloud to other customers who are also in need of that service.

How will Cloud computing change the workplace for the IT professional?

  • It will allow a reapplication of in-house IT staff, especially for jobs focusing on server and desktop support. As companies switch to cloud-hosted services, these maintenance, repair and upgrade services will be provided by the provider which will free up these support personnel to work on other important company projects.
  • It will create an increased demand for cloud specialized consultants, developers, and architects to meet the growing markets immediate and specialized needs.
  • It will drive a switch in emphasis from support to innovation, as companies require new and better cloud-hosted applications to support their business needs. Developers, programmers and coders will be increasingly in demand, particularly in the area of mobile and handheld computing.
  • It will require stringent security demands with a need for experts to ensure data stored on the Cloud is protected and meets industry-specific regulations. This includes the need for private Cloud creation, where companies build out their own private cloud network and offer it to their customers and employees.

New Horizons stays up to date with the latest technologies, in order to provide you with the relevant skills you need in order to succeed in the ever-changing technology landscape.

Our partnerships with major developers of cloud technology allow us to offer the courses you need to get ahead.

Cloud Training at New Horizons Dubai

Cloud computing has permanently shifted how modern businesses operate. 96 percent of companies rely on the cloud, and that number will only continue to grow.

Cloud computing alters the way companies interact with their data and applications. Instead of being stored on local hard drives or network servers, data and applications are stored on a remote host that can be accessed at any time from any location using the internet and a simple web browser.

Cloud training from New Horizons Dubai gives companies confidence that their IT employees have the skills to deploy and manage modern cloud technologies. For IT professionals, cloud training builds a solid foundation of high-demand skills that validate your expertise and set you apart from other job candidates.

Cloud training helps IT professionals gain:

  • Credibility and respect among employers and peers
  • Confidence to enter the IT industry and start applying to jobs
  • A competitive edge over job candidates with little or no formal training
  • The experience needed to pursue technical certifications that many companies require for employment
  • The skills to implement new cloud technologies and increase their value to an organization

Comprehensive cloud training from New Horizons Dubai offers hands-on training for every expertise level, including:

  • Entry-level IT professionals
  • Cloud administrators
  • Cloud architects
  • System administrators

Whether you’re an experienced cloud professional or just beginning your IT career, expert-led cloud training opens the door to new career possibilities.

Discover New Horizons Dubai cloud training courses for all the major cloud vendors and other cloud providers including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, CompTIA, SAP, Salesforce.