Discovering Your Leadership Voice

Leaders inspire followership in others. Whether speaking conversationally or presenting before a group, a powerful leadership message delivered with impact and focused on the needs of the audience, can motivate and energize others.

This course may earn a Credly Badge.

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Learning Objectives

After completing this course, students will know how to:

  • Enhance your leadership effectiveness through your message
  • Communicate with greater openness and authenticity
  • Craft compelling messages that connect people to purpose
  • Engage, motivate, and inspire others to embrace change
  • Apply your leadership voice to increase your impact and influence


    Course Details

    Course Outline

    1 - Leading with Authenticity
  • Adopting a Structured Approach
  • Linking Authenticity and Awareness
  • Enhancing Self-Awareness
  • Applying the Johari Window
  • 2 - Your Leadership Voice
  • Becoming an Authentic Leader
  • Assessing Key Competencies
  • Defining Your Leadership Purpose
  • 3 - A Compelling Vision
  • Crafting Your Vision for Change
  • Clarifying Goals and Outcomes
  • 4 - Crafting Your Message
  • Speaking with Credibility, Emotion, and Logic
  • Leading from Anywhere
  • Applying Techniques for Engaging Others
  • Engaging Through Storytelling
  • 5 - Delivering Your Message
  • Bridging Different Thinking
  • Flexing Communication Styles
  • Adjusting for Style and Impact
  • 6 - Reviewing Your Results
  • Reviewing and Adjusting
  • Taking an Iterative Approach
  • Repeating, Reiterating, and Building Support
  • Actual course outline may vary depending on offering center. Contact your sales representative for more information.

    Who is it For?

    Target Audience

    Professionals who want to develop or strengthen their leadership position.

    Discovering Your Leadership Voice

    Course Length : 2 Days

    There are currently no scheduled dates for this course. Please contact us for more information.

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