Prioritizing Your Time Effectively

Time is limited, so getting the most out of every minute is critical. In this course, students will learn to improve their focus, prioritize tasks, identify and avoid obstacles to staying on track, and develop strategies to get the most out of their time. Students will acquire time management tools and decision-making techniques to help focus on purpose and achieve your goals, balancing the needs of both business and personal life.

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Learning Objectives

Time Management

  • Prioritization
  • Organization
  • Workflow
  • Productivity


    Course Details

    Course Outline

    1 - Wise Time Management
  • Identifying Time Wasters
  • Applying the 80/20 Rule
  • Utilizing Calendars
  • Creating Rituals
  • 2 - Prioritizing Your Time
  • Taking Charge of Your Time
  • Protecting Your Time through Assertiveness
  • 3 - Planning Wisely
  • Managing the Power of Your Productivity Journal
  • Finding Hidden Time
  • Chunking, Blocking, and Tackling
  • 4 - Organizing Your Workspace
  • Decluttering
  • Managing Workflow
  • Taking Control over Email
  • 5 - Tackling Procrastination
  • Knowing Why You Procrastinate
  • Nine Ways to Avoid Procrastination
  • 6 - Crisis Management
  • Weathering the Storm
  • Creating and Executing a Plan
  • Applying Lessons Learned
  • 7 - Increase Your Productivity
  • Applying Productivity Tools
  • Finding What Works
  • Eliminating the Word “Should”
  • Building on Success
  • Actual course outline may vary depending on offering center. Contact your sales representative for more information.

    Who is it For?

    Target Audience

    Professionals wishing to maximize their productivity and efficiency by investing their time more effectively.

    Prioritizing Your Time Effectively

    Course Length : 2 Days

    There are currently no scheduled dates for this course. Please contact us for more information.

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